iOS Email Setup

Your Strategic Consulting Group Inc. hosted email can be set up on any iOS (Apple) device, such as your iPad or iPhone.  The steps below will guide you through the process.  In order to set up your email account, you’ll need to know your email address, and the password for it (this was provided to you either by Strategic Consulting Group Inc. directly, or by your website administrator).

  1. Tap “Settings” on your iPhone or iPad home screen


2. Scroll down and Tap “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”


3. Tap “Add Account”


4. Tap “Other”


5. Tap “Add Mail Account”


6. Enter the settings as follows:

Tap IMAP.  This keeps your email synchronized between your iOS device, our server and any other devices you choose to setup.

Name: Type what name you want emails from your account to appear with.  For example, you might type your own name, or your organization name.  This field is visible to anyone you send an email to.

Email: Type your email address

Description: Type a description to help you remember which email account this is on your iOS device (for example “Work” or “Community Association”)

For both the incoming and outgoing mail servers, enter the following:

Host name:

User name: your email address again

Password: your email address password


7. Tap Next (top right hand corner).  The word “verifying” will appear, and it may take a few minutes.  You may get a certificate warning – this is normal.  Click “accept” or “verify”.

8. Ensure “Mail” is toggled on.  This makes sure your mail synchronizes with the server.  If you’d like to keep shared notes between devices, you can toggle that on as well.


9. Click “Save”